-so , samo nosijo kravate in sedijo za računalniki.Citat:
Uporabnik spanspan pravi:
zakaj v evropi ni opic?
Super mega vprašanje:Citat:
Uporabnik spanspan pravi:
zakaj v evropi ni opic?
According to scientists, the extinction / migration took place some 9 million years ago.
One of the main catalysts for the changes was the fact that the large swaths of forest that covered the continent millions of years ago eventually disappeared. As the climate changed, woods were replaced by grasslands. This in itself did not equal instant death for the creatures, but they found it impossible to survive on land. Accustomed to living in trees, they followed the retreating forests out of Europe. This is why the apes still endure in Africa and Asia today. The changes were not as drastic there as they were on the Old Continent, and so the animals could adapt.
V Sloveniji jih je preverjeno najmanj 90, pa še nekaj papa monkeys s taglavno mama monkey... Nekaj šimpanzov pa premore tudi MOL. Pravzaprav so v MOL-u zraven opic tudi pingvini.Citat:
Uporabnik spanspan pravi:
zakaj v evropi ni opic?
Eh, kaka politika, pisal sem o opicah...Citat:
Uporabnik spanspan pravi:
si zdaj srečen, da moraš tu bluzit s politiko?
Uporabnik vandrovec pravi:
Niso v Gibraltarju?
ja če si videl opice na arktiki potem vrjamem v obvoz drugače ne (človeka na arktiki vidiš)Citat:
Uporabnik jest5 pravi:
A misliš, da niso znale narediti "obvoza" preko Evrope/Azije in S Amerike
Uporabnik skala pravi:
meni glede opic ni prav jasno če se je južna amerika ločila od afrike pred 200mio let so opice živele že takrat? preden so izumrli dinozavri? ali afriške opice in ameriške opice nimajo ničesar skupnega? mislim razen prapraprednikov in potem niso prave afne?
There are two possible rafting routes, either across the Atlantic Ocean from Africa or across the Caribbean from North America. However, there is no fossil record to support the hypothesis of a migration from North America. The land bridge hypothesis relies on the existence of Atlantic Ocean ridges and a fall in the sea level in the Oligocene. This would have either produced a single land bridge or a series of mid-Atlantic islands to act as stepping stones for the migration.
At that time, the Isthmus of Panama had not yet formed, ocean currents and climate were quite different, and the Atlantic Ocean was less than the present 2,800 km (1,700 mi) width by about a third; possibly 1,000 km less, based on the current estimate of the Atlantic mid-ocean ridge formation processes spreading rate of 25 mm/year.[citation needed]