Sem šel preveriti bolj podrobno problematiko exporta playliste.
5.8 build 3660 izgleda potem exportana playlista:
(1) #EXTM3U
(2) #EXTINF:-1,http://naslov_a
(3) #EXTINF:-1,http://naslov_b
lahko brez težav uvozim recimo v AIMP (m3u8 format)
medtem kot pri 5.9.2 nameče 30 naslov_a/naslov_b ... vse 2 vrstici , v drugi vrstici je 6 naslovov, v tretji 24, skupno 30 (torej sploh ne vse).
(1) #EXTM3U
(2) #EXTINF:-1,http://naslov_ahttp://naslov_bhttp://naslov_c [do http://naslov_f]
(3) #EXTINF:-1,http://naslov_ghttp://naslov_hhttp://naslov_i...
ter doda za bonus file lokacijo liste:
(4) #EXTINF:-1,ઋ
(6) #EXTINF:-1,
(8) #EXTINF:-1,
%userprofile% je tipično nekaj takega C:\Users\WIN_UPORABNIŠKO_IME\
V Notepad++ se tudi vidi, da "sent to" in nato export to html v winamp 5.9.2 doda neke bolj kot ne posebne znake na koncu vrstic od 4 naprej, in sicer vse po 2* v tem vrstnem redu
kot kaže gre za dvakrat za Control character
EOT...End-of-Transmission character
ETX...End-of-Text character
NQSP...nevidni unicode "zero space" znak
In Notepad++, the character `\u2000` represents the En Quad (NQSP) character, which belongs to the Zero Width Space category (Zs)[2].
Hi, @alan-kilborn, @peterjones and All, From the UnicodeData.txt file I just extract the lin...
Hi All, Do you remember of this Invisible characters unwanted discussion and of my last post, below, about the main invisible characters which need a visual ...
2000;EN QUAD;Zs;0;WS;2002;;;;N;;;;;
eden od mnogih online Ai pravi tole:
The information provided is a breakdown of the Unicode Character 'En Quad' (\u2000), as it appears within the context of its properties and related characters. Here's an explanation for each part:
- **2000**: This number corresponds to the hexadecimal representation of the Unicode code point for En Quad.
- **EN QUAD**: A descriptive name given by Unicode Consortium to this specific character.
- **Zs**: Stands for "Zero Width Space," indicating that this character does not occupy any horizontal space when rendered on screen or printed.
- **0**: Indicates that this character has no bidirectional behavior.
- **WS**: Refers to the White Space property class, which includes all characters considered white spaces according to their rendering behavior.
- **2002***: There isn't a direct relation between En Quad and U+2002 NO-BREAK SPACE here. However, these two characters are both ZWSP (zero width space) characters with different uses.
- ***The remaining empty fields*** do not contain relevant data about En Quad specifically but rather indicate that there aren't additional properties associated with this particular character.
In summary, \u2000 EN QUAD is a zero width space character belonging to the Zs property class, having no bidirectional behavior and being classified under the White Space property group. It doesn't have any direct relationship with U+2002 No Break Space.