Uporabnik borovnica pravi:
kaj od telefonije ste pripravljeni plačati več?
Z LTE bodo operaterji mobilne "telefonije" postali operaterji mobilnega interneta.Citat:
Uporabnik borovnica pravi:
kaj od telefonije ste pripravljeni plačati več?
EU ready to intervene in mobile VoIP row
The European Union (EU) could be ready to intervene in a row over access to Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) services on mobile networks, reports suggest.
Officials from the Voice On the Net coalition recently issued a plea to the EU to stop mobile carriers from blocking access to VoIP services over cellular/3G networks.
This follows cases of network providers such as Vodafone and T-Mobile blocking users from accessing IP telephony services for fear that it will impact on their core voice revenues.
According to German newspaper Handelsbatt, the EU has now prepared a draft report on the opening up of smart-phones to VoIP services and applications.
However, it is understood that the wording of the report is currently "not as clear as the EU would want it to be".
Despite this, EU Telecoms Commissioner Viviane Reding told the paper that "action" could also be taken to ensure mobile operators do not block these "innovative services".
Uporabnik Bush pravi:
Ne skrbi za VoIP preko 3G/4G omrežij
EU ready to intervene in mobile VoIP row
The European Union (EU) could be ready to intervene in a row over access to Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) services on mobile networks, reports suggest.
Officials from the Voice On the Net coalition recently issued a plea to the EU to stop mobile carriers from blocking access to VoIP services over cellular/3G networks.
This follows cases of network providers such as Vodafone and T-Mobile blocking users from accessing IP telephony services for fear that it will impact on their core voice revenues.
According to German newspaper Handelsbatt, the EU has now prepared a draft report on the opening up of smart-phones to VoIP services and applications.
However, it is understood that the wording of the report is currently "not as clear as the EU would want it to be".
Despite this, EU Telecoms Commissioner Viviane Reding told the paper that "action" could also be taken to ensure mobile operators do not block these "innovative services".
Uporabnik Dr_Strangelove pravi:
V modelu, kjer bi komunistka Reddingova pustila prosto pot raznim SIParjem, da se šlepajo na tuje investicije, bi ga najbolj nasrkali operaterji, ki vlagajo v 3G in 4G.
Ja, naj rajši vlada anarhija. Ali monopoli.Citat:
Uporabnik Dr_Strangelove pravi:
kjer bi komunistka Reddingova