Uporabnik Sato_Leone pravi:
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Drugače kot zanimivost navadne RFID nalepke mi je uspelo ravno tako sprogramirat. Veliko cenejše kot NFC tags
Da prihraniš pri nakupu zapisljivi NFC tagov lahko uporabiš tudi "NFC ReTag FREE", ki zna uporabit katerikoli NFC tag (na njem je lahko zapisano karkoli) in le na osnovi ID določenega taga izvede ukaze, ki so "vprogramirani" v telefonu.
Re-use/recycle write protected NFC Tags such as hotel key-cards, access badges, price tags, lift cards, key fobs etc...
You can use this app to associate multiple functions (e.g. Wlan OFF, Bluetooth ON, Mobile Data TOGGLE, start navigation,run Tasker task, start any installed app, use media buttons, call a phone number, add a timestamp, calendar entry, add Text-to-Speech and much more!) to a NFC (near field communication) tag via an app internal database. You can even add tag cycles and let your tag run different activities per scan. So ReTag is the perfect NFC automation tool for you ;-).
(Works with ANY android supported tag = re-writable AND write protected!)
With NFC ReTag you don´t have to write anything on the tag (-> uses the tag ID, great for small tagsizes and write-protected tags!) and NO data is send to the internet. Additional write options (for better dispatching, device independent tags etc.) are also available. Import of activity tags and beaming is also supportet.
*!* NFC enabled device required / NO root required *!*