kaj tocno dobis, ce kupis Manufacturer refurbished izdelek?
gre za to zadevo:
v opisu pa pise ..... Manufacturer refurbished: An item that has been professionally restored to working order by a manufacturer-approved vendor. This means the product has been inspected, cleaned and repaired to meet manufacturer specifications and is in excellent condition. This item may or may not be in its original packaging.
je zadeva na uc nova ali gre pa popraskano zadevo, umazane slusalke, vendar brezhibno delujoco.
gre za to zadevo:
v opisu pa pise ..... Manufacturer refurbished: An item that has been professionally restored to working order by a manufacturer-approved vendor. This means the product has been inspected, cleaned and repaired to meet manufacturer specifications and is in excellent condition. This item may or may not be in its original packaging.
je zadeva na uc nova ali gre pa popraskano zadevo, umazane slusalke, vendar brezhibno delujoco.