Kitajski domenarji


16. mar 2008
Po dolgem času so nas spet našli kitajski domenarji, češ da eni hočejo zakupit vse domene pod istim imenom razen pač tiste naše .SI..

no po nekaj izmenjanih mejlih, da se preveč ne sekiramo če bo nek kitajc pokupil IME.CN in vse ostalo mi je Helen poslala še tole.

"But I still remind you ,if they want to use these domains to imitate your web,make fake want ad to deceive people,or to be a illegal web,do you
know they won't hurt your interest? So I suggest you'd better protect these intangible.We won't importune you do anything. As a domain name
registrar, we have do our work well. If you said that,we will pass the registration of that company within 48 hours,we are not responsible for any
dispute question about intellectual property right and trademark after they succeed in registering.I advise you to consider the internet product
keyword,because it is very important to you.

Below is the detailed explaination of internet product keyword:

1:internet product keyword is the extension of trademark and brand in the internet world. It decides the stability and activity of keyword in the
world of internet.

2: After registration, any person in any district can type the keyword directly on the IE browser, then they can go to your official website.
But If registered by other company, it will affect the rank of this keyword in google search engine. In another word, if you do not protect it,
the result won't in the first page of any search engine ( Google/ Yahoo etc.) even if you pay much money and time for propaganda.
Especially in Asia, your clients can't search your company.

3: After the successful registration, Chinese government will award you an electronic certificate, which will prove your validity of using this
trademark in the internet.

Every international corporation has protected its keyword."

Jaz bi jo še nekak razumel, če bi delovali globalno (takrat bi tako ali tako pokupili vse svoje domene), ampak gre nam zgolj za lokalno prepoznavnost znotraj SLO in ožje EU, avstrija, nemčija, kaj počnemo itd, in nas kitajska in azija ne briga. A vseeno je lahko kakšen večji catch?

mal mi diši zgolj po tem da hočejo da na silo da registriramo pri njih domene in nas nategnejo za par šuškov.



18. avg 2007
Pod pretvezo nekega namišljenega podjetja ti pač želijo prodati te končnice... Sem kontakt za par 100 domen in dobivam to dnevno
. Spam.


16. mar 2008
ja, sej se mi je zdelo,ampak nisem bil čisto prepričan pa sem zato še tukaj vprašal. Ampak, da pa se jim, lahk dobiš nove PEN frende.

haha Tnx


25. avg 2007
Uporabnik sajkek pravi:
A vseeno je lahko kakšen večji catch?
mal mi diši zgolj po tem da hočejo da na silo da registriramo pri njih domene in nas nategnejo za par šuškov.
Nekateri prejemniki dejansko kupijo vse te azijske domene, tako da se jim pošiljanje izplača.

Če čez par dni, tednov, mesecev pogledaš te "zelo iskane domene", so še vedno na voljo.