Kaj se bo zgodilo? In kaj ima Kosovo pri tem? Albanci niso avtomaticni muslimani, oce kosovske neodvisnosti je KATOLIK.
Btw, je tak problem preveriti stevilke tako ocitno izmisljene stevilke?!
UN podatki o TF
(2000-2005) (2005-2010)
France 1.88 1.89
Turkey 2.23 2.14
TFR je bila v Franciji leta 2007 skoraj rekordna oziroma najvisja od leta 1981. To so pa dosegli tako:
French family policy also plays an essential role: family benefits start with the second child. Crèches are subsidized by the State and all French governments, regardless of their political hue, try to increase the number of places available. Taxation is family friendly; proportionally families pay less tax than the childless. On public transport, large families (more than 3 children) pay lower fares. Parental leave allows parents to reconcile family and working life; maternity leave, during which women remain on virtually full pay, lasts 20 weeks for the first child and can go above 40 for the third.
In France, employment and motherhood are perfectly compatible. According to the BBC, France has one of the highest proportions of working women in the European Union. "The Guardian" points out that career women are simply having their children later, between the ages of 30 and 40. Quoting researchers, "Le Monde" links this demographic dynamism to the attractive situation of France’s female population: 80% of those aged between 25 and 49 work outside the home.
pa so sle vse teorije v 3