"The agreement between the EU and the US, specifies that while Galileo satellites will produce Galileo signals, and GPS satellites will produce GPS signals, both signals on the ground will be compatible and interoperable, allowing users in the future to use a device that contains both GPS and Galileo chipsets, which are still to be defined. "
"Unfortunately, this will mean that existing GPS-based sat-nav devices will require a different chipset to utilise the Galileo signal. "
This feature is integrated in the latest Qualcomm® Snapdragon™ 800, 600, and 400 processors and modems. Galileo will be supported on smartphones and compute devices with the appropriate software release on Snapdragon 820, 652, 650, 625, 617, and 435 processors, automotive infotainment solutions utilizing Snapdragon 820A, and telematics and IoT solutions with Snapdragon X16, X12, X7, and X5 LTE Modems, and Qualcomm® 9x15 and MDM6x00 modems.
Uporabnik Gargy pravi:
"The agreement between the EU and the US, specifies that while Galileo satellites will produce Galileo signals, and GPS satellites will produce GPS signals, both signals on the ground will be compatible and interoperable, allowing users in the future to use a device that contains both GPS and Galileo chipsets, which are still to be defined. "
"Unfortunately, this will mean that existing GPS-based sat-nav devices will require a different chipset to utilise the Galileo signal. "
Uporabnik Ales888 pravi:
Qualcomm Snapdragon čipovje ima že vgrajeno GNSS podpiro za Galileo, že leta nazaj. Tudi za Glonass (
Piše da ima podporo za GNSS ki je samo kratica za globalne satnav sisteme, nikjer pa ni omenjen Galileo.Citat:
GNSS Chipsets
Using GPS, GLONASS, and BeiDou satellites, IZat location technologies
ja mislim, da so jim pomembni tudi navadni uporabniki. Ne gre za plačevanje storitve, ampak nabave novega aparata. In če imam sedaj telefon npr. za 700€, da ne mislim menjati samo zato, da bom lahko na galileu.Citat:
Uporabnik hermann pravi:
a ti dejansko misliš, da so fora sistema uporabniki kot si ti?
po koliko pa drugače plačuješ tovrstno storitev?
Pri navigacijskih sistemih je časovna premica malo drugačna kot pri tvojem "enoletnem" telefonu.Citat:
Uporabnik Jodlarcek pravi:
Jaz mislim, da če bodo uporabniki morali vsi menjati za naprave katere podpirajo Galileo...da se temu sistemu ne piše dobro. Vsaj na začetku ne. Zakaj bi moral menjati, če pa mi sedanji deluje čisto OK??