v "trgovinah" poišči
-last call for freedom
-Nietzsche and the Nazis
-black money
-Secret Societies
- Understanding Freemasonary
- The Invisibly Visible (Identifying Masonic Symbols)
- Ring of Power
- NWO, Freemasons, Symbolism, NAU, Illuminati and Eugenics
- Secret Society (1987)
- The Hidden Agenda For World Government (1990)
- The Money Masters (1996)
- Commanding Heights: The Battle for the World Economy (2002)
- The Georgia Guidestones (2003)
- The Corporation (2003)
- The Illuminati (2005) - Three Parts
- The Lightbringers - The Emissaries of Jahbulon (2005)
- Adbuster - The Production Of Meaning (2006)
- Money As Debt (2006)
- Mysteries of the Freemasons (2006)
- Secrets of the Occult (2006)
- Secret Mysteries of America's Beginnings - The New Atlantis - Vol. 1 (2006)
- Secret Mysteries of America's Beginnings - Riddles in Stone - Vol. 2 (2007)
- Codex Alimentarius (2007)
- Zeitgeist (2007)
- Zeitgeist: Addendum (2008)
- Wake Up Call (2008)
- Esoteric Agenda (2008)
- The Crash Course (2008-2009)
- Kymatica (2009)
- Weather Warfare (2009)
- The Calling (2009)
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