Najbrž vas večina tukaj že ve da je nekaj mesecev nazaj Apple tožil Nokio zaradi kršitve patentov ,no danes pa so očitno odprvi novo fronto v pravni vojni in vložili tožbo proti HTCju...konkretno so jim trn v peti telefoni s androiom ki naj bi vseboval cel kup patentov.
Nekaj hitrih linkov s engadgeta.
Novica 1
Novica 2
Novica 3 - spisek spornih patentov
Zanimivo igro se gre apple,hkrati bije bitko s Nokio in HTCjem, neposredno se se pa udarili še s Googlom glede na to da je v osredju tožbe prav android.
Nekaj hitrih linkov s engadgeta.
Novica 1
Novica 2
Novica 3 - spisek spornih patentov
Looks like Apple's going on the warpath, kids. Just a few months after Cupertino got into it with Nokia over phone patents, Apple's filed suit against HTC, alleging that the company is infringing 20 patents "related to the iPhone's user interface, underlying architecture, and hardware." Steve, you have something to say?
"We can sit by and watch competitors steal our patented inventions, or we can do something about it. We've decided to do something about it," said Steve Jobs, Apple's CEO. "We think competition is healthy, but competitors should create their own original technology, not steal ours."
Zanimivo igro se gre apple,hkrati bije bitko s Nokio in HTCjem, neposredno se se pa udarili še s Googlom glede na to da je v osredju tožbe prav android.